خصائص المنتج
Nashr SEO is wordpress plugin that help you by simple and fast way to optimize your wordpress web site for search engines and social media websites .
1. Search engine optimization
* Title
* Description
* Keywords
* Robots
* Google+ auther
2. Social media optimization
* Title
* Type
* Image
* Description
* Twitter card
3. General settings
* Posts and pages the plugin will work on
4. Social media settings
* Facebook site name
* Facebook application id
* Facebook admin id
* Twitter user id
5. Web master tool settings
* Google webmaster tool
* Alexa verification ID
* Bing webmaster tool
* Pintrest verivication
* Yandex webmaster tool
Supported meta tags
* title
* description
* keywords
* robots
* author
* og:title
* og:type
* og:image
* og:description
* og:locale
* og:url
* og:site_name
* og:updated_time
* article:published_time
* article:modified_time
* fb:app_id
* fb:admins
* twitter:creator
* twitter:card
* google-site-verification
* alexaVerifyID
* msvalidate
* p:domain_verify
* yandex-verification
1.Upload `NashrSEO` zip file to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2.Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
3.Go to(Nashr SEO)page and post types you want the plugin work on
SEO meta content (title,description, ect..)
social media optimization(facebook,twitter,google +)
post types tha plugin work on
facebook and twitter settings
webmaster tools settings
= 1.0 =
* wordpress posts and pages SEO meta(title,description,keywords).
* adding social media open graph Meta tags.
* adding open graph settings.
* select posts,custome posts,pages the plugin will work on
* English
* Arabic